Deti s Aspergerovým syndrómom a autizmom nám ukazujú ako robiť veci lepšie. Sú to bezkonkurenční inovátori. Podporiť ich v ich vlastnom spôsobe učenia sa, poznávania a komunikácie, to je výzva, ktorá vyžaduje otvorenosť, odvahu a chuť meniť sa spolu s nimi.
Jožko a jeho hlinené výtvory
V tichom prostredí svojej izby sa venuje svojej tvorbe školák Jožko s Aspergerovým syndrómom. Jeho svet nie je ako svet ostatných detí; je plný farieb, tvarov a predstáv, ktoré sa rodia v jeho mysli a ožívajú na obrazovke. Domáce vzdelávanie mu dáva slobodu, ktorú potrebuje na to, aby mohol rozvíjať svoje schopnosti podľa vlastného tempa a plne sa môže ponoriť do svojich projektov. Jeho vášňou je kreatívna tvorba, začal stavbou objektov z lega. Veľmi rýchlo začal skladať najťažšie modely a popri tom sa pustil do videí, v ktorých oživuje svoje hlinené modely. Viac z jeho tvorby aj s videom nájdete v tomto článku.

Inventor and therapist Marcus
Meet the incredible Marucs. Marcus is a boy with autism, who is creating and discovering the world along with his mom. They've sent us their creative, self-made hideaways, which Marcus calls "happy hidey-holes." Maybe they will inspire you to try making your own. They can bring your children the joyful experience of creating something, alongside a sense of safety and respite.
Marcus' mother tells us aobut his son: "Marcus has great imagination. He has fallen in love with creating things, the ability to make practically anything. Anything without barriers, rules or restrictions. Anytime he breaks a sociakl norm, it increases in him a feeling of failure and threatens his inner motivation and personal growth, therefore safety is important for him. Read more here.
Škola Veľké Zlievce je škola, ktorá naozaj robí to, čo hovorí
The elementary school Veľké Zlievce is a school #withoutinstructions, it supports home-schooling and individual schooling with the option to coming into school both on the elementary and middle-school level. It is open to the variety, diversity and uniqueness of children and their needs.
This school prioritizes inclusion. Inclusion, however, should not be mistaken for integration, in which a child is guided towards adjusting to the conditions of a typical school. Inclusion stands for respecting diversity. A child in an inclusive school does not adapt to the conditions in their school. Instead, the school itself creates an environment which allows for the schooling of all children without disparagement. You can read more about the school on their website here.
headmistress: Danka Holíková
socioterapeutka: Slávka Makovníková (+421 905 438 303 alebo

Minecraft for Schools from Maroš Zvolenský
Minecraft for schools is a constantly updating channel on YouTube, which presents the game Minecraft as a tool for learning. Minecraft is a world of infinite possibilities, and our children are often fascinated by it. It is a safe and creative world, in which the player is given full control. At the same time it offers intellectual challenges, stimulates creativity and inventiveness. Last but not least, it allows for mutual communication and sharing of resources, gives space for cooperation, conflict resolution and mutual happinessIf you want to learn more, watch their videos. Their Author is Maroš Zvolenský, creator of the server AutiCraft, which is made primarily for children with Asperger's syndrome and autism. More information can be found on Facebook in the group AutiCraft (it is a private Facebook group, you have to ask for permission to join.)
Peter Druska and his fascinating mathematics
Peter Druska is very active on his Instagram, where he uploads daily mathematic stories. He likewise regularly posts YouTube videos on his channel - Mabák. Peter teaches mathematics in a different way. Above all: in a way that is friendly, and on equal footing with the viewer.He treats every person as capable and smart. All you need is to be curious, to try, and to play. His math is anything but boring. He poses interesting and provocative questions, and seeks answers in different ways, not according to set rules. He says there is no counting in his math class. Everything is done visually. He draws, and shows everything by doing. He sees beauty in math, the selfsame beauty often seen by our children. Children who enjoy thinking will find his videos very enriching.