We are a team of people on the autism spectrum from all across Slovakia, creating this web portal together. We are hoping to open a fresh view on autism as neurodiversity: a difference in thinking, feeling and experiencing the world.
We bring creativity, pride and joy into a world, which is over-saturated with emphasizing faultiness. We are united in our efforts to live with dignity, not in the shadow of fearmongering and pity. It is high time for neurodivergent people to stand up for their needs and stop allowing others to speak for them.
"Our web portal will be uploaded on the 18th of June, on Autistic Pride Day. Autistic people today are at last finding their voice, and gaining control over their lives. Neither fearmongering over "the autism epidemic," nor pathologising human uniqueness gives support to neurodivergent people, and does nothing to give them acceptance from the general public." Learn more in the interview found here.
Aside from the magazine, enlightenment and support activities, the #beznávodu title is also held by an inclusive elementary school..
More info can be found on their site:
Škola bez návodu Veľké ZlievceAn interview with the School's co-founder Slávka Makovníková can be found here.
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